
Eat one cup of yogurt and a banana when dinner

Banana sex cold, the constitution rather cold empty, for example the stomach cold, cold empty (over-emptying diarrhea, easy dizzy), nephritis, pregnancy feet swollen, had better not to eat raw bananas.
The banana contains a large number of magnesium element, if fasting plenty to eat bananas, can make blood contains magnesium quantity lifts, cause human body blood calcium and magnesium in the imbalance, the inhibition of produce, adverse cardiovascular health
Stomach acid much person unfavorable eat, have stomach pain, indigestion, the diarrhea also should eat less bananas.
Banana in the 12 to 13 degrees Celsius, that can be put in the refrigerator fresh should not be stored.
Spinach nutritional value is very high, can prevent constipation, water Chao add after deployment will have good sesame role. But for some intestines and stomach weak, physically weak people, single to eat spinach and can't get a good effect. Duck blood is iron content in the most rich food, protein content high, and it is a clean blood of power, and spinach is tie-in, can enhance their nutrition and health care effect. Bean curd rich in calcium and protein, also has the lowering function. The three collocation can provide enough nutrition, and can help human body drainage, quantity of heat low, taste good, for summer health care.
As you know, eggs contain high protein, if eat too much, can lead to increased metabolism product, but also increase the kidney burden, cause kidney function of damage. So general old people eat every day 1 ~ 2 eggs is advisable. Young people, engaged in mental work or light manual laborer, every day can eat two eggs; Engaged in hard physical labor, consume nourishment, can eat lower odds every 2 ~ 3 eggs; Young children with long body, metabolic fast, also should eat every day 2 ~ 3 eggs.

Healthy weight loss of eight golden rule

1. Stop on a diet

Excessive dieting can not only help you lose weight, but also let you decrease fatter more. Excessive dieting can give the body compensatory and enough energy, and the fat burning is also need energy, so, excessive dieting will slow or even stop the burning of fat, also caused the weight loss the consequences of failure. In addition, excessive dieting still can let you because of hunger and eat and drink too much!

What to do: eat much food less is very effective a diet method reducing weight. Often eat can increase the secretion of saliva, increase production of digestive enzymes, stimulating bowel movement, and can effectively control appetite. So, in that the right amount of calories, later between meals low card and full abdomen snacks, the way of reducing weight also is health!

2. Give every meal add color

Eat more red, yellow, orange, green, or purple food, that is, in your diet of fresh fruits and vegetables increased the proportion. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals of super thin body food, not only can increase your full abdomen feeling, also need not worry too much calorie intake.

What to do: home as far as possible to store fresh fruits and vegetables is given priority to, so you can more to choose them. The best they made the low fat of fruits and vegetables or fruit salad, so you slice the urge to snack will naturally think of these good friends!

3. Put your diet write it down

Want to lose weight, you write down your food with you!!!!! This may sound some boring, but, hold on for a long time, then you will see much in return. Research shows that adhere to write the diary can achieve a more ideal food result reducing weight. Write down you every day diet, including some important details, such as time, place, why, and how much to eat. When you analyze diary review these details, will help you become more aware of their eating habits, for you to improve plan reducing weight also is very helpful.

What to do: you only need a laptop, or can get into a diet detail work table, or Excel stored on your smartphone and more. Whatever you with what kind of way, as long as it is to record the diary, carefully diet it is you lose weight in the process of the best partner!
A-se: antioxidant power

Oxidation resistance of high mineral, mainly and mercury combined with the body back.

Sulfide: liver detoxification force

The smell of the onion, can make the liver ingredients detoxification enzymes play its full role.

Glutathione: liver fat XieLi generation

Belong to the sulfur amino acid peptide, is one of antioxidant effect, can improve liver function, promote fat metabolism.
Some people think, food is cooked, it will drain their nutritive value. So a lot of people like to eat raw vegetables, raw seafood. Also, some people think that raw eggs boiled eggs can obtain more than the nutritional value. But, actually otherwise, raw eggs are likely to put the eggs contain bacteria such as e. coli) eat into the belly to, cause stomach upset and cause diarrhea. And, be worth what say is, the egg protein contains anti-ultraviolet biotin, high temperature heat damage to protein, otherwise, it will affect food in the absorption of biotin, make the body appear loss of appetite, general weakness, muscle pain, skin inflammation, delinking eyebrow and other symptoms.
Detoxification clear body do not need too much weird method, as long as you drink for you prepared a few to detoxification detumescence, then you can soup successful health, everyone to thin body taste!
Spinach duck soup XieDouFu
Ingredients: duck blood, bean curd, spinach, Chinese wolfberry

Thin body method reducing weight of super introduced: you ever try

Summer in imperceptible out has arrived, thin body of super method reducing weight is introduced: you ever try? In the summer this time if you want to thin out bikini figure, then absolutely to start your summer thin body plan can! Today, it is the small make up just try to tell net you nine the most effective way to lose weight, these can be super thin body is summarized the experience out: lose weight, let you wear a sexy swimsuit full of confidence!
1, imagine you like the swimsuit

With hope, affirmation will have the real action. Slimming ideas may have been in your heart, but not into action of words, want to slim down is not possible. Want to go to the seaside to enjoy the warm summer? That began to your plan reducing weight! Imagine yourself the swimsuit appearance, and planned to go to the beach when taking pictures so that you would be to let oneself more slim and efforts.

2, the favorite summer wear out

Sexy summer is most can let you show figure. Put their favorite summer wear small take out, and then placed in the home the most conspicuous position, then you will in order to put on it and trying to lose weight. So in every time I see it, your power will be more intense, you also will be more willing to keep up.

3, the plan reducing weight to tell others

You of the thin body plan tell the people around him, this will not only to get their support and the help, still can let you to generate a promised yourself responsibility oh!!!!! Insist, is the key to weight loss success, and these encourage is let you hold on the important thoughts power.
Working pressure is an office worker long fat prime culprit. Duty field competition is intense, an office worker often are under a lot of pressure. And pressure increases on one hand can cause the endocrine disorder, cause the body's metabolism slows; On the other hand will lead to increased cortisol index remains high, adrenal the person's appetite, especially to improve carbohydrate requirements. Metabolism slows down and the intake increased basal metabolism, but the rest of the heat will be more, easily formed accordingly obesity. At the same time, high pressure also easy to inspire an office worker eat psychological desire. When people meet is difficult to solve pressure or difficulties, or don't want to deal with the problem, often by unconscious food and drink to pressure and get rid of emotional distress, and kept eating of course easy long fat.


Will Chinese medicine combined to eat three meals a day

Monday: medlar eliminate, make last weekend edema weather

Nutrient expert points out, rich in Chinese wolfberry DuoZhong trace elements and vitamin, can nourishing, enhance immunity, eye, the traditional treatment blood deficiency, liver kidney Yin deficiency deficit caused by the inspect content are dim and night blindness, often use Chinese wolfberry. Recent British people in the study also found that the Chinese matrimony-vine anti-aging efficacy, but only to eat in medlar, just have the drugs, occasionally have a value is no effect twice.

Chinese wolfberry away edema diet:

Breakfast: YiMi porridge 1 bowl, small cucumber 1 a, medlar 30 grams of bubble water to drink.

Lunch: rice dish, the day lily 1 1/2 bowl.

Dinner: vegetable soup a, rice 1 small bowl, 30 grams of Chinese wolfberry bubble water to drink.

The main advantage of Chinese wolfberry slimming diets, to eliminate the role of edema, more suitable for Monday to eat. For weeks the hard to avoid not eat, drink, or go out to party, stay up late, etc, it is easy to cause the body redundant moisture accumulation, cause swelling of the problem. This recipe can solve the problems that reduce weight, edema can smoothly.

In addition, medlar also can rise the nourishing the kidney function, very suitable for gas blood deficiency of women edible, not only significant effect reducing weight, and still can rise to raise colour the action of hairdressing.
If energy is satisfied the needs of the human body, the next excess blood sugar will carry on energy storage, into fat the slimming enemy. So don't think don't eat fat greasy, high fat food can avoid obesity, eat fat food without also can have the possibility of get fat.

If energy is satisfied the needs of the human body, the next excess blood sugar will carry on energy storage, into fat the slimming enemy. So don't think don't eat fat greasy, high fat food can avoid obesity, eat fat food without also can have the possibility of get fat.

Eat the food will go in to reducing weight produce what kind of impact

Every day the quantity of heat required to the human body weight and physical activity levels, the general said, and related to a 60 kg if standard weight, in the state of rest, a day to 1500-1600 calories; If is medium, a day to need 1800 activity-2000 calories.

But the human body has a very wonderful phenomenon, when we food intake of calories not sufficient, human body itself will make heat, the heat of endogenous mainly from glycogen decomposition and adipose decompose, glycogen decomposition making glucose, a day up to 180 grams (equivalent to 720 calories), and adipose decompose produce fatty acids and glycerin, glycerin can be changed into glucose for cells, and fatty acid using can be changed into Ketone bodies (Ketone), for cells (including neural organization) to use.

Therefore, when a person if subcutaneous fat many obese people, adipose tissue () is an internal energy sources of supply, can be broken out the metabolism of human body heat, but generally speaking, one day at least still needs to absorb 800 calories () card above just don't health damage.

More and more rich dishes, different ingredients, seasoning and processing method, it is difficult to know what you eat the food of your belly of how many calories? And the food making you fat, depends not only on the possibility of the component, but you take the food you eat this some energy sum. What food to your weight are causing change? Even become you figure killer?

Below, we look at the human body will produce heat food into how change

A: don't eat rice telltale can become thin?

Many mm feel rice is to let his long fat number one killer, so use staple biscuits and bread instead of rice. But in fact, three pieces of soda biscuit energy is a smaller part bowl almost as fast as the quantity of heat of rice, be in 80 card or so. And a small round bread quantity of heat, also won't than small bowl of rice is much lower, right amount of rice doesn't make you fat.

And dedicated time motion to reduce weight, compared 10 million don't look down upon heat consumption in daily life. Recently the American library Bob aerobic institute published a study results in a normal life: conscious takes 30 minutes activities, and body for 6 months, five days a week, every day 20 to 60 minutes swimming or ride a bicycle wait for motion having oxygen, compared to those who reduce weight and body fat is almost the same degree. The same study found that, the daily life of energy consumption than the imagination more much.

Why is 30 minutes after the meal?

After dinner, the digestive system would be to break down food into the human body needs, and eventually nutrients into the blood. This time increases blood glucose levels, blood fatty acids will also increase. Through decomposition nutrients, eat again on the food to give human cells to provide energy.

All kinds of sports to human body health can produce different result

For example, the movement of moderate intensity, within 30 minutes in the quantity of heat that use up 35% from fat; 40 minutes rose to 40% above from fat. After that, with the extension of time, the consumption of fat is more and more, an hour of jogging consumption quantity of heat, about 48% from fat.

The 100 meters can't consume a fat

However, we by the 100 meters, the speed of the movement as a fierce international competition that the match activities, its the quantity of heat that use up almost entirely from sugar and protein, and not a fat consumption. Therefore, this for weight loss (consuming excessive fat), can't play any role.

For example, the movement of moderate intensity, within 30 minutes in the quantity of heat that use up 35% from fat; 40 minutes rose to 40% above from fat. After that, with the extension of time, the consumption of fat is more and more, an hour of jogging consumption quantity of heat, about 48% from fat.

The 100 meters can't consume a fat

However, we by the 100 meters, the speed of the movement as a fierce international competition that the match activities, its the quantity of heat that use up almost entirely from sugar and protein, and not a fat consumption. Therefore, this for weight loss (consuming excessive fat), can't play any role.

"The little spread online thick legs to no zong six method" :

Peck: take a shower, pinch the participants a pinch, thick legs immediately become fine;

Jogging law: jogging to even, can't slow; when when fast

Participants: a child abuse, two, three and pressure knead, four shoot;

Method: standing half step ladder, turnip reduce half;

Vertical feet and metope participants: with a 90 degree Angle stand;

Method: around the ankle around his ankle. Skinny legs

We summarize skinny legs plan: massage + DianJiao + SLR + diet combination