
Healthy weight loss of eight golden rule

1. Stop on a diet

Excessive dieting can not only help you lose weight, but also let you decrease fatter more. Excessive dieting can give the body compensatory and enough energy, and the fat burning is also need energy, so, excessive dieting will slow or even stop the burning of fat, also caused the weight loss the consequences of failure. In addition, excessive dieting still can let you because of hunger and eat and drink too much!

What to do: eat much food less is very effective a diet method reducing weight. Often eat can increase the secretion of saliva, increase production of digestive enzymes, stimulating bowel movement, and can effectively control appetite. So, in that the right amount of calories, later between meals low card and full abdomen snacks, the way of reducing weight also is health!

2. Give every meal add color

Eat more red, yellow, orange, green, or purple food, that is, in your diet of fresh fruits and vegetables increased the proportion. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals of super thin body food, not only can increase your full abdomen feeling, also need not worry too much calorie intake.

What to do: home as far as possible to store fresh fruits and vegetables is given priority to, so you can more to choose them. The best they made the low fat of fruits and vegetables or fruit salad, so you slice the urge to snack will naturally think of these good friends!

3. Put your diet write it down

Want to lose weight, you write down your food with you!!!!! This may sound some boring, but, hold on for a long time, then you will see much in return. Research shows that adhere to write the diary can achieve a more ideal food result reducing weight. Write down you every day diet, including some important details, such as time, place, why, and how much to eat. When you analyze diary review these details, will help you become more aware of their eating habits, for you to improve plan reducing weight also is very helpful.

What to do: you only need a laptop, or can get into a diet detail work table, or Excel stored on your smartphone and more. Whatever you with what kind of way, as long as it is to record the diary, carefully diet it is you lose weight in the process of the best partner!
A-se: antioxidant power

Oxidation resistance of high mineral, mainly and mercury combined with the body back.

Sulfide: liver detoxification force

The smell of the onion, can make the liver ingredients detoxification enzymes play its full role.

Glutathione: liver fat XieLi generation

Belong to the sulfur amino acid peptide, is one of antioxidant effect, can improve liver function, promote fat metabolism.
Some people think, food is cooked, it will drain their nutritive value. So a lot of people like to eat raw vegetables, raw seafood. Also, some people think that raw eggs boiled eggs can obtain more than the nutritional value. But, actually otherwise, raw eggs are likely to put the eggs contain bacteria such as e. coli) eat into the belly to, cause stomach upset and cause diarrhea. And, be worth what say is, the egg protein contains anti-ultraviolet biotin, high temperature heat damage to protein, otherwise, it will affect food in the absorption of biotin, make the body appear loss of appetite, general weakness, muscle pain, skin inflammation, delinking eyebrow and other symptoms.
Detoxification clear body do not need too much weird method, as long as you drink for you prepared a few to detoxification detumescence, then you can soup successful health, everyone to thin body taste!
Spinach duck soup XieDouFu
Ingredients: duck blood, bean curd, spinach, Chinese wolfberry