
Meat is the theory of reducing weight by fasting starch and sweets

Intestines and stomach large meat if you fail to adapt to the fat, intestinal comfort will make waste metal, in addition a. Plus absorb a lot of vegetables and moisture, can double comfort bowel peristalsis, so dirty especially suitable for people with constipation.

So the decomposition of the body fat, comfort to lower blood glucose. Devil shape must be most love beautiful city fashion MM dream provide heat burning fat, reduce the weight purposes

The process of burning fat, however. Blood "acetone content increased by, comfort urinate. So generally less weight only local is fat, beyond 5 redundant moisture.

Just pure of meat and a lot of vegetables, because the method is very simple and not really understand levorotatory coffee lose weight. Some of the mystery out of starch sugar may not give up and hungry, may is victory of weathering, so wave is very popular

Can make high cholesterol or blood vessels, note: as long as normal pure meat eating habits. Lead to heart problems. Body fat and protein decomposition will make harmful material, greatly increases the kidney and liver load, temporary edible will lack enough water, so only the right once a month.