
This will give you cure obesity

The fat man early smell hua tuo name, he beat his abdominous said: "I'm bozhou city sell meat, just TaoZhang back, hua tuo Tuesday if could heal my obesity is turned away, I this abdominous, after you eat meat don't drink the money."

Hua tuo asked the fat man carefully the daily life diet and lifestyle says, "I will not drink and, two do not love a meat, you do what I said to do the way, three months after the visible effect. You for every day two Fried melon seeds, get up in the day of the midnight, edge into hard seeds, the side walk, through the melon seeds again by the way, not to return to the rest of."

Fat man a listen to China to heal his Tuesday a need not needling, two not need to take medicine, just into hard into hard seeds go walk, of course, uninterrupted. So he got up, the side into hard every day midnight walk, melon seeds edge walked more than five miles to will melon seeds into hard, and then after the same way back.
The benefits of eating apples reduce weight is not having to endure hunger, hungry eat apples. Because it is low quantity of heat, no matter how much food to eat, all can't than daily life's calories, so natural reduce weight.
The human body has a kind of growth hormone, or HGH, it is human body customize the secretion of a natural hormones, main effect is to promote bone and muscle growth, but also accelerate body fat burning. Only at night to sleep HGH secretion, especially about sleep after 90 minutes when the "inverse sleep" production of the most exuberant.
Eating apples reduce weight, and it can improve the skin is dry, allergic dermatitis, constipation symptoms.

You know, our appetite is controlled by the brain. When the central nervous issued a "want to eat, want to eat" instruction, you will become very greedy.
The first few days, because his body fat weight, walking back and forth, li, sweaty, too tired to him kubla khah dripping wet, breathless, but think of no rest, you have to grit your teeth and endure, more than 10 days down, he gradually think leg not acid feet not soft, the sweat also out a little less, don't feel tired. Three months later, he buckled down and big belly fat, a meat also without many.

3 oz lean meat or chicken

1 cup of green beans or green beans

1 cup carrots

An apple

1 cup of vanilla ice cream with ordinary

The second day breakfast

Black coffee or tea, add 1 to 2 packets of sugar or the same quantity of sauce
For expressing gratitude for the fat man, I am very glad to send a lot of wine hua tuo meat and gifts, but declined. Hua tuo also told him: "from now on, you have to early to bed and early to rise, move more, much less, less lie to cure you of meat, the obesity." Melon seeds so small, into hard up and not easy, and want to walk while teeth, nature can't voracious, eat and drink too much, the more can't eat sleep, this is reduce weight of the trade secret.

This fall easily thin body

Q: I want to popular strong chocolate oh, but, the heat's terrible, what to do?

A: want to eat the food of high quantity of heat? Can!!!!!Until after 12 right, the legendary Cinderella change moment. Midnight to 2 a.m. most don't eat between weight easy. Secret food of high quantity of heat them one by one point

Decryption: for the sake of accord with human body biological clock. Night, pulse and temperature began to drop down, absorption function abate, natural to eat what not long flesh! But this method to the body is still have certain effect, natural stable biological clock adjust to every part of the body function, once upset the biological clock will make endocrine appear unusual. Long time so, will cause in low spirits.
But, how again delicious food, eat many will be bored with. For example, you like to eat the cake, but, if it is the same kind of cake, the after meal also can't eat lots of? Similarly, in apple lose weight, a eat during the two or three apple word, your brain will tell you "belly full" instruction, so actually eat the apple won't be too much, calorie intake much.
Recommend tips: usually can also through the eat some egg qing dynasty to supplement protein part, whole wheat sugar-free low fat face with some fruit nutrition is enough. But the fruit also cannot eat more, otherwise will face a "big stomach" danger. So the key secret is vitamin + protein, plus some exercise, take the weight to go down!!!!
1/2 a banana

1 piece of toast


1 cup of cheese or tuna 8 pieces


2 the root beef sausage

1 cup broccoli or cabbage

1/2 cup carrots

1/2 a banana

Q: the day in the company always help yourself to the full belly good, night mom did dinners, don't eat too sorry mom, how to do? Teach you to make low card and nutrition delicious thin body dinner.
We daily intake far beyond the quantity of heat of our bodies, the quantity of heat that use up the nutrients, accumulate over a long period form adipose dewlap, if the body itself basal metabolic rates and low, quantity of heat cannot timely consumption, it is easy to cause the vicious circle of obesity. And in fact the burning heat with organizations, the growth of more than 70% were in the state of resting, especially in sleep.
A: dinner want good? Can!!!!!Four hours later to go to sleep, don't have to wait for change. Cinderella

Special remind: normally eat for supper seven full eighty percent, can't eat to support so far, oh. Decryption: actually it's not what fat loss secretsthe secret good solution, it is easy to understand, eat in the evening than go to bed immediately to cause fat. So the key is promoting digestion rate, even sit before writing is a sports, cause digestive, fat natural won't accumulation.


The doctors have respected beautiful reducing weight

Nutrient expert points out, rich in Chinese wolfberry DuoZhong trace elements and vitamin, can nourishing, enhance immunity, eye, the traditional treatment blood deficiency, liver kidney Yin deficiency deficit caused by the inspect content are dim and night blindness, often use Chinese wolfberry.
Breakfast: YiMi porridge 1 bowl, small cucumber 1 a, medlar 30 grams of bubble water to drink.

Lunch: rice dish, the day lily 1 1/2 bowl.

Dinner: vegetable soup a, rice 1 small bowl, 30 grams of Chinese wolfberry bubble water to drink.
As early as in several years ago, some measures for apple will make a set of thin body, also had caused a apple law reducing weight of the boom! In fact apple is indeed the thin body and fruit, it has rich pectin, can help intestines and poison with poison effect, do accelerated and reduce quantity of heat absorption, besides apple's potassium to pledge is much also, can prevent leg ministry oedema. The hardness of a bit slowly chew, apple will be released, not only have ingredients satiated touch, and his calories quantity of heat is not high also.

The choose and buy when the choose and buy, apple: should pick a big moderate, peel thin thin, bright luster, pulp, the juice taste sweet crisp. No bug and the damage.
The main advantage of Chinese wolfberry slimming diets, to eliminate the role of edema, more suitable for Monday to eat. For weeks the hard to avoid not eat, drink, or go out to party, stay up late, etc, it is easy to cause the body redundant moisture accumulation, cause swelling of the problem. This recipe can solve the problems that reduce weight, edema can smoothly.
If you want to do a good dream, don't eat before bedtime. Although so far and no conclusive proof of research before eating obesity, but in three hours before eat too much food or eating some spicy food, high fat food, containing caffeine food but it can affect morpheus quality, make people in the second day feels weak, even in low all day.

If you feel a little hungry at bedtime, avoid by all means is mentioned above all kinds of food to eat, can eat a few fresh fruit. In addition, don't eat the TV on.
Tips: medlar contain vitamin is mostly water soluble in hot, vulnerable, so bubble water to use hot water. Recent British people in the study also found that the Chinese matrimony-vine anti-aging efficacy, but only to eat in medlar, just have the drugs, occasionally have a value is no effect twice.


Summer is the best time to lose weight

Please don't ask me, a month can reduce many pounds? Health is not how much reduced weight see, but how much reduced the jin fat. Fat thin, perhaps not significantly reduce weight, but one looks more uniform, not bloated. Side effects of small thermal control drugs are can take for slimming products. ?

Often eating out, and cannot manage the MM of your mouth. Recent special blocking starch and adipose absorption of the thermal control on the network of sales is also very hot, need not again refused to staple food and rich food, want to eat and not fat!!!!!
Women in South Korea on an average day in the home will be spent 8.5 hours, it is said that this is South Korea woman not into the gym can also keep slim sleeves. Although Chinese women only spend a day on average 3.34 hours on the household chores, but as long as have the following 20 kinds of thin body that occupy the home, also can easily trick light fat.
How to eat the most effective: unfavorable excessive edible, not more than two times a day, or easy to cause the nutrition absorb insufficient. If you eat too much before eat starch blockers, actual meals of starch intake of it few, you will soon find that no original mind so clever!

Second, guru guru, say goodbye to the lower abdomen, a pill: lactic acid bacteria

Don't in the toilet, sitting on to play a game of intestinal relieved, remove the "less pressing"! Intestinal GouHui twists and turns, complicated structure, 3 days not defecate will in the body form "lodge and", continuously the toxins to the body. The accumulation of a day by day and form abdominal obesity, then you need to "lactic acid bacteria" the street sweeper!

If you have no way to practice three days apple law reducing weight, can from a day or two days begin. As long as you have to do, will have effect. For example, you can from a week to execute a day, get used to it, and to add to two days, three days. Not used to people, had better not more than three days, lest the central nervous function disorder, on the contrary, after reducing weight, become in battling than before reducing weight also fat.

In guangdong commonly known as broccoli. A white, green two, the green also called broccoli, green vegetables, and we often see of fruits and vegetables in the supermarket. Not only has the extremely high cauliflower nutritional value, and its rich in dietary fiber of the characteristics of the dietary weight not become is main oh.
Weight not to exceed bid, but irregular diet, work overtime often eats after the OL people. According to cycle to take about 30 days, can take off "the lower abdomen woman" hat!

How to eat the most effective with 40 ℃, the following: about 180 ml warm water, milk, fruit juice or black tea drinking after mixing. Fasting slowly to drink, can substitute the breakfast. After drinking 3 ~ 4 hours, try not to eat between meals, complement more water. Avoid by all means is one-time overdose, if not easy to cause diarrhea. ?

Strongly recommended 10 a rapid method reducing weight

In you exercise, take your MP3, then drunk in the beautiful music! According to the study, listen to music edge sport can increase the burning of fat, especially when you are listening to the music that you love.

This is because to listen to music can help you lengthen of athletic time and can make exercise more interesting, thus contributing to the you hold on for a long time oh!!!!!
5 and in the three days, thirsty, you can drink boiled water or no harsh tea, such as mint tea, wheat tea, red tea, its tea, etc.

6, reduce weight period, your intestines and stomach will be very sensitive, so to avoid drinking a caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, black tea, green tea, oolong tea, etc, in order to avoid stomach upset.
You know, put your weight loss program tell the people around him can help you lose weight. Because when you put all the planning tell other people, you will naturally increased a sense of responsibility, and give up easily makes other people make fun of you. In addition, get more people's encouragement is weight loss in power!

Fat is one of the highest heat contains substances. So, want to reduce the quantity of heat, will reduce the high fat intake of food, oh! And fat into unsaturated fat, saturated fat and trans fatty acids.
Born of can be made into various flavors of broccoli dishes and salad, also can dipping in thick flavour in soy sauce modulated edible. Cooked cauliflower can and all kinds of cheese, milk, spices, scrambled eggs, meat, poultry and other vegetables together made into dishes. Cauliflower sour pickled cabbage is a kind of very good an appetizer, it can and cold meats, sandwich together to eat.
Will the size of a fist towels stack towel, then use the ball neck and jaw clamped towel ball, push hard on 10 times, each time pressure action maintain 8 seconds. Practice a few times can compact neck skin, to modify the neck line, prevent wrinkles appear neck.
The former is can help you speed up the important material light fat, and adequate intake is a good way to lose weight. And then they are will make you fat culprit, to reduce consumption of oh!!!!!